SIG was formed to support entrepreneurs
who aspire to acquire, own, and build great companies

The problem with going it alone:

Risk of a Failed Search

Searching for a business to acquire is far from an easy undertaking – 1/3 of search funds close down without ever acquiring a business.

Post-Acquisition Risk

Acquiring and owning a small business is also fraught with risk – 1/2 of search funds that acquire a business either lose all their original capital or do not provide adequate capital return.

Loss of Ownership and Control

Traditional search fund CEOs are employees instead of owners – they give up control to investors and attain only 22% equity ownership on average.

The benefits of partnership with SIG are significant:

Proven Advantages

There is reason to be hopeful - search funds that have partners are 2.1x as likely to return over 5x the original invested capital.

Experienced Support

SIG is a highly experienced partner in your search for a business - providing M&A, capital raising, due diligence, live deal reviews, and tactical support.

Ownership + Control

Entrepreneurs that partner with SIG become true owners - they can expect to retain full control of their acquisition and up to 80% equity ownership.